Rim to Rim Restoration has been monitoring riparian vegetation in the Moab area since 2007. The monitoring program tracks vegetation changes in areas where invasive plant species have been removed. All sites are within 50 miles of Moab, the most upstream site is near Dewey Bridge and the most downstream near William’s Bottom. Originally 27 monitoring locations were selected from over 50 BLM removal sites and 10 private removal sites. Sites are located along the main stem Colorado, as well as tributaries including Mill Creek and Kane Creek.
Land mangers control invasive species with various chemical, mechanical and biological methods. In 2004 Tamarisk leaf beetles were released as a biocontrol for Tamarisk. Rim to Rim collaborates with the Grand County leaf beetle monitoring team to share monitoring information and updates. By monitoring sites for an extended duration, Rim to Rim and Grand County provide more complete and robust information about site treatments to private and public land managers. Rim to Rim has compiled detailed site histories and management recommendations for each site and its surrounding areas, based on this data. We are currently in the midst of writing our 2018 report. It will be made available once it is complete.

Monitoring location near the mouth of Kane Creek near the Colorado RIver in 2009 and 2016

Monitoring location near the mouth of Kane Creek near the Colorado RIver in 2009 and 2016

Monitoring location near the mouth of Kane Creek near the Colorado RIver in 2009 and 2016